Inscrieri On-Line
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Continuand sa navigati pe site sunteti de acord cu politica de confidentialitate - GDPR 679/2016 Prin inscrierea cainelui/cainilor la expozitiile chinologice organizate in Romania ma oblig sa respect toate prevederile legale generate de pandemia Covid 19 cu privire la protectia mea si a celor din jur. In cazul nerespectarii acestor prevederi, organizatorul va restrictiona accesul in expozitie si excluderea din incinta. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to the privacy policy - GDPR 679/2016 By entering the dog / dogs to the shows organized in Romania, I undertake to respect the Romanian legislation regarding the Covid 19 pandemics for my protection and for those around me. For non-observance of these provisions the organizer will restrict access to the show and exclusion from the premises.
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Mi-am uitat userul si parolaI forgot my username and my password
Nu am cont si doresc sa ma inregistrez pe aceasta platforma I DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT AND I WANT TO REGISTER